Today we had to cut class short with the kids at Liphakoeng Primary School because we had an 11:00 appointment in Maseru with King Letsie lll, son of King Moshoeshoe lll. We all gave the kids an opportunity to tell us what they would ask the king if they had the opportunity. Some of the questions were very thoughtful. Some just for fun... (but we all now know that the King IS a fan of football!)
We hurried to the waiting bus at 9:45 and made it to the palace in plenty of time to get situated, re-situate, and wait. He was prompt (which according to many is rare) and lovely. Very amiable, good humored, and graciously open to our questions, with some questions of his own for us. He shared some tea and cakes with us and then we parted to head back to Roma for an afternoon at the community centers.
Photo of us with the King will go here.
Today, at Bana Pele, the volunteers were supremely organized and helpful. For the mural, even though we arrived an hour later than we had hoped to, we got the insides of the silhouettes painted and they look great. I hope others will add comments about their community center experiences....
After dinner, we heard from Kat Lissard, who overlapped with us here at the Trading Post. She is a former Fulbright teacher here in Lesotho and is now working with students here, (and in NY, and in VT) using theater to educate all sorts of communities about HIV.

This last photo is a link as well
Location:Roma and Maseru
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