Up and out at 6 this morning for the long drive to Kimberley. Not long compared to what we do in about a week to get to Capetown, but long enough. We got here in plenty of time to go to The Big Hole. The Big Hole is exactly what it sounds like, a big hole. It was the site of the first diamond discovery and is the largest man made hole in the world. In fact it is pretty darn large! It is no longer a working mine, as they were afraid the walls were going to cave in, so DeBeers has turned it into a diamond museum complete with a preservation/replication of the town that developed around it. We seemed to be the only visitors, as we walked around, it felt like we were in a south western ghost town. Empty stores filled with paraphernalia of the late 1800's. A saloon like cafe where we had (quite delicious hamburgers) and the "diamond experience" where you go to the viewing platform which affords a great view of the hole which is filled in partly with a pretty green (algae) water and then underground to see where and how the miners operated. There is a secured vault where you see diamonds in the rough and in all different cuts and sizes. And a historical lay out in a large room where you can read all of the history. Also a 12 minute movie that takes you to the 1866 discovery of diamonds in Kimberley.

The Big Hole:
Back on the bus for the short ride to our "Road House" hotel at the Flamingo Casino.
Location:Kimberley, South Africa
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