4:00 am. Driving, driving, driving, driving....
6:34. Stop, off bus, back on bus, driving, driving, driving....
8:38. Stop, wait for one lane of traffic to let us pass. Coconut biscuits, driving, driving, driving....
9:52 Stop. Hamburgers for breakfast? Anything goes on a road trip....
Driving, driving, driving....
12:37 Stop. Off bus, back on bus. Driving, driving, driving....
2:10 Stop. Off bus, back on bus. Driving, driving, driving....
We are actually making very good time!
3:28 "Table Mountain ahead". Driving, driving, driving....
Pull in to the Capetown Protea Cape Castle Hotel, our last "home away from home" before 4:00!

And we are here!! The view from our balcony. Can you see the water??
Location:On the road to Capetown.
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