Friday, July 29, 2011

Long, wonderful day.

29 July
When you look online at Capetown, you see a list of 6 things to do. 1.Robben Island, done. 2.V and A Waterfront, done. 3.Kirstenbosch, too large to do in too short a time, but we have been seeing much of what is available at the gardens in our touring. 4.Table Mountain cableway, sadly closed for maintenance, but we went up to a vantage point almost as lovely. 5.Constantia Vineyards, drove through today, done. AND we'll be vine yarding all day Sunday as well. And 6.Cape Point, the target for today.
Not bad for 3 days in a city.
We started out early today for our driving tour all the way down to the Cape of Good Hope, the most SouthWestern point of Africa. A lovely drive the whole way, along the western coast of Cape Point and Table Mountain National Park. Stopping at a small fishing village for bathrooms (oops, I mean toilets) and souvenirs. The Cape of Good Hope was rocky and windy and wonderful. We climbed or funiculared up to the top, the lighthouse, and watched a whale for a while. As we left, an ostrich entertained us by crossing the road.... We are easily amused.
The next stop, on the way back up the Eastern coast of the point was Boulder Rock, where the African Penguins hang out. We had some fun watching the penguins, And then passed baboons on the way back to Cape Town proper. A stop by District 6, up to the back side of Lion's Head Mountain (where the helmeted guinea fowl roam) and through the brightly painted houses of the Muslim area before driving back to the hotel for a brief rest before heading back out for dinner. Photos will have to wait as my iPad will have none of it - I have loaded too many pictures already. But, those photos will be good!

Location:Cape Of Good Hope and Cape Point


  1. If you get the chance (in between your Pinotage and Chenin Blanc binge), hit up Mimi or Obz Cafe in Observatory (or Obz as it's know in CT). I'm sure Genevieve can give you more details, but they are oh-so-good! Get the quiche and coffee with hot milk.

  2. Africa Cafe is also tastiness (near the Waterfront at 108 Shortmarket Street). Can you tell I'm mad jealous of y'all?
