A slow start to the day. Some had a good, long run, some started with yoga... I can say with fair certainty that none of us set alarms. Yet we all ended up at breakfast at around the same time. Perhaps we really are, as Joy said, "one large American amoeba."
Many worked on our curriculum for a few hours, some enjoyed the lazy morning with walks on the grounds of the close to gameless game lodge. But wait, there is a crocodile, a few giraffe and many a bok.
Several of us hopped on the bus to go to the market Noah discovered on his run. As we arrived, they seemed to be packing up, but we managed to sample some local fare, buy a few souvenirs, and generally enjoy wandering around.
Then it was time for our walking tour of Bloemfontein. We were met downtown by a professor of architecture who took us into the old republic building which looked fairly deserted except for the laptop and projector and, conveniently, 15 chairs. He proceeded to give us an excellent briefing of the founding to Bloemfontein to today with slides of the development of the city and different views painted by different artists paired with photos of the times. He then took us on whirlwind tour of the town, literally, we were running to catch up with him and his enthusiasm about Bloemfontein, Brand Street in particular. Some photos from our fast paced walking tour:

A catnap (for me at least) and time to head out to dinner to the Waterfront area (didn't actually see water....) where there were several interesting restaurants to choose from.
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