First, a visit to the National Curriculum Development Center where we met the National Desks of Social Studies and Arts. They talked to us about the changes they are making to national curriculum in terms of integrating all subjects in primary school. They lamented that the arts are mostly passed over because A. teacher training is lacking in the arts and B. the arts are not tested, so many schools don't see the need to teach them. This also happened with history for a number of years, and now the politicians are worried that there will be no one to take their places.... And now history is back on the board.
After this visit, which was chilly, but informative, we went to a small weaving factory comprised of 8 women in a collective who showed us their process from refining the wool to the huge tables of finished products. Many of which came back on the bus with us!
The next stop was the Lesotho Highlands Water Development Project. A joint venture with South Africa in which dams are being built to supply water to arid areas of development in South Africa. A brief briefing there and we were off again to wander King's Way for a bit and we found soccer balls and a pump to leave here with Roland and Frida, the German volunteers at the small center Brigitte has founded.
A very few photos from today

Location:Maseru, Lesotho
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